We are no longer servicing northern California and Oregon
After decades loyally serving the pacific northwest, we have closed down the Eureka distribution center. If you have any questions about your account, please contact us using the contact form on our contact us page.
The pacific northwest has been a home to us for well over a decade and we have loved serving the businesses and communities found here.
Because of recent business restructuring, we have decided to close our Eureka based filling center serving northern California and southern Oregon to allow us to continue and advance the exceptional customer service we offer our central and southern California customers.
Thank you for your business and we wish you the best in all future endeavors.
No gimmicks, no marketing schemes, just great products.
Adchem was founded for the sole purpose of offering the highest quality solvents to extraction labs with safety and service as our top priorities. Ownership has a combined 30 years of packaged gas distribution experience, and with direct industry knowledge, Adchem leads the way for solvent and gas distribution.